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 Easy Habit Recipes for Reduced Stress

✓ Easy to incorporate into a daily routine  

 Build Consistency with simplicity 

 Highly Effective self-care tips and tricks 

 Proven steps to release anxiety and tension in your mind and body 


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What other are saying about Sonja...


It's daunting when you're unhealthy. You like all of the things and it get's overwhelming.  Sonja's program was less like pushing a boulder up a hill and more like a bunch of little rocks.  I can do that....a bunch of little rocks!

- Penny - Glass blowing Artist


Sonja's program helped me to stop feeling bad about myself and to recognize things that didn't work as discoveries. I have learned a lot about what works for me and what doesn't. 

- Jessica - School Teacher

Sonja's program allowed me to start immediately.  I was thankful it addressed my mindset and by the end I was using Tiny Habits in many areas of my life. 

- Kristin Burns - Massage Therapist

Easy Habit Recipes to Reduce Stress


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